Monday, March 28, 2011

"Step 2": Come Together

Let's see...introductions are in order, I believe? My name is Zack, and I'm a fairly private person. So this 'blog' is a new experience for me (time will tell if it is good or bad I suppose). Also with the privacy in mind, I'll keep personal info rather...well, inpersonal. I'm a third year student, second with OSU (I transfered from the University of Akron), and didn't pick a major until last year. That said, I'm quite behind on my "four year" program and doubt I graduate anywhere near on time. I'm majoring in Industrial and Systems engineering, hopefully with a minor in Idustrial design. My interests are pretty common and bland. I enjoy music, both listening to and making (rock genre is pretty much it, with a large focus on classic rock). And with that said, my instrument of choice is the guitar. Also, I feel now might be a good time to look a bit more in depth at my titles, screen names, etc. I thought it might be fun to name everything after a musicians song title. Sort of a double entendre, if you will. And tonight, all of the postings (and my screen name) are comming to you from The Beatles. In the future, I'll probably change bands, but either way I intend to keep the theme all quarter long if possible. Other interests I suppose would include video games, sports (football and basketball mainly), and leisure activities such as watching tv with friends. And I think that'll do it for me. Until next time!

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