Monday, March 28, 2011

"Step 3": Your Mother Should Know

The title was in response to the overall question, "what are you hoping to get out of this course?" It stuck with the theme mentioned in the prior post (again, I thank The Beatles for their generous contribution, this time comming from their Magical Mystery Tour album). Perhaps a bit crude, if taken in that respect, but I assure any and everyone it was meant in good fun and I do apologize if it upset any reader(s). Now, on to business. I am interested in learning much more about industrial design (yes, even though I realize this will probably make Gabe cringe). It is what I intend to minor in, after all, so more information and feedback would be welcome. From this particular course, I simply hope to have some fun and I see it as a break from my math and science laden studies. But overall, I intend to do well on any and all assignments, since this is a requiremment for my minor. As for how I found out about the course, it was thanks to my advisor. Or at least, the handout she gave me. I think that about covers it.

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