Thursday, May 26, 2011

"CR04": New Design

To be honest, I was surprised I found a song title in my music library which it so well. It's by Thousand Foot Krutch, which is a blend between rock and pop. As has been the case for awhile now, the course reflections take a bit of a different turn. No longer are the classes limited to 'slideshows'. In fact, for this particular set of courses, it wasn't really information based at all. It was spent doing group work for the Coleman project. And since all of the days relate to that, this posting will be pretty short since I have a couple more which relate to this project.

Day 13: Ah, the project was officially assigned and begun. We spent most of the first day, as a group, ascertaining who Coleman was in our eyes. From there, we started carving out core values which were important to Coleman and which we could utilize in a new product. Finally, we started brainstorming potential goods.

Day 14 - 16: At this point, things become sort of a blur. I can't distinguish between the next few days, so here is the gist of what happened. We met and decided upon a product which dealt with physical fitness. It took many forms at first, but finally, we decided upon a treadmill. From here, we started discussing the many forms and shapes it could take. We spent along time trying to come up with specifics on size, weight, what it would do differently, etc. Finally, I had the idea that it should be linked to a tv. After all, most people now a days watch tv as they exercise with treadmills, ellipticals, etc. So why not add another component to that? Seemed like the next logical step. Anyways, from there, some of the group members started sketching up our product. We then started developing the software component. By now, we were on our last day. We spent that working on our packaging. We were trying to come up with the best way to ship it and handle it. Like other groups, we wanted to try to create a green campaign or take advantage of a sleek new design for the package. In the end, it didn't happen. At the end of that last class, we divided work and tossed out some rough ideas for some a kiosk. And that pretty much covers these four days of class.

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