Thursday, May 26, 2011

"J09": Paperback Writer

Paperback Writer, by the Beatles, is symbolic of all the documentation of this product; it's like publishing my own book in a way. And if you'll notice, I'm revisiting the Beatles again. It seems fitting to end the year's postings in the same way I began it. This journal's purpose was mainly to reflect upon the project as a whole. As a quick overview, I'll have links to my groups blog posted. I plan to discuss what our specific project was and then I intend to focus more on my own personal contribution to the groups success. As far as posting images, however, that I can't do because I did not come up with any of the drawings. That wasn't my personal area of expertise that I brought to the table.

First, I should thank my group. It was a pleasure working with you all and I wish you the best. The group included myself, of course, as well as Gered Bowman, Daniel Comai, and Bridget Mears. Their links are posted here in the respective order in which the names were presented:

Now, let's discuss the project a little bit. What did we work on? Well, our attempt to place Coleman within the home took form in, essentially, two products. Or at the very least, two components to one product. We created a modified treadmill, which would focus heavily on the Coleman brand. That was our hardware; a treadmill which was light weight and easily collapsed/moved. Now, what made it unique was the combination of software, through which we enlisted the aid of Wii. We created an interactive game which would work in conjunction with the treadmill and simulated a hiking/camping experience for the user. As for how we worked as a group, things went very smoothly. There was no arguments and everyone got along very well. We didn't have an assigned leader; each of us took charge when needed and for the most part made group decisions on the direction of our project with everyone having an equal say. I felt like everyone presented a valuable work towards our project on both a personal and group based level.

Looking now at personal work contributed, I was largely an idea guy. I critiqued most ideas, as well as presented as many as I could come up with. From there, you could probably consider me the group's marketer or business representative. I tried to manage our time in order to get the project done by the due date. My handiwork is most apparent upon the power point; I combined all of the awesome visuals, courtesy of my fellow group members, and added comments to make it coherently presentable. Lastly, I made sure to learn all I could about our personal product so I could field as many questions. So all things considered, I feel we did a great job on our project. If there is anything I wish I could have done extra, I wish I knew more about the various programs used in design so I could have done some mock ups for the group.

And as I mentioned in the overview, I didn't have any sketches or drawings to provide as evidence. All I have is the finished product, since I put it together in a power point. While I can't post that here, I have it saved in my personal records and shall definitely remember it in the future.

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