Saturday, May 14, 2011

"J07:" Voices

Voices is done by Disturbed. I would have to double check, but I want to say this is the 'hardest' rock band I have chosen yet. They are a metal band, and frankly, I would be surprised if anyone in class has not heard of them before. Personally, I'm a fan; my two favorite sub genres are classic rock and hard rock. The connection is the idea that a peer dialogue is based on communication, which can take the form of speech, and thus requires a voice. But more importantly to me for today...yet another peer dialogue down! Today we will be exploring the postings of Dan and Bridget yet again and giving the highlights of their blog.

I'm going to begin with Dan's blog this time. I enjoyed his version of a letter form assignment, based on the things he found. It was funny, because we had identical pictures for a couple of the letters. The letter i was identical and the letter j was the same concept with the clothes hanger. Other than that, the toilet seat was sweet because I had never considered it. Yet, how many times does a person use it? Nice observation. As far as his course reflection content goes, it had some good points. I agree that Dan got some good tips from the various groups that visited us. And I also agree that it was important to see designers becoming business men, and not just another 'worker'. I also wish those guys luck; it has to be hard right out of college, holding a couple of jobs down, trying to get their name out there.

And let us not forget about Bridget! I believe her blog might be a bit behind, so I'll comment on the couple of posts which are most recent. I don't believe I commented on those last time. So I'll start with her found faces. The couple that she took of her own were really cool. The first picture was probably my favorite, though I'm not really sure why. Maybe it was just a really cool angle/item? But I saw it as a goofy looking face all the same. And of course, the plate with the bacon and eggs. It has been done time and time again, yet always is a classic looking 'face'. I bet it was a lot of fun to play around with. The next post was when we hunted down the designer based clues for a scavenger hunt. She provided a lot of specific information on all of the pictures and places we visited. And of course, her own personal twist on the goofy pictures. I think it is safe to say that we all had some fun posing for those pictures. Oh, and I got a kick out of the fact that she had forgotten the name of her magazine too. All I can remember is that I picked one done in Spanish as a joke, since I can't read Spanish.

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