Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"A04:" You Speak My Language

Song title was from Collective Soul. Surprisingly, I don't have a lot of music which relates to letters or language in the title. This was the only one I could easily find, which is disappointing, because the song is mediocre. I wasn't really moved by this one, but the title is the closest fit I have so there it is. Side note, Collective Soul does have very enjoyable music. This particular one just doesn't do it for me. I should begin by saying this was one of my favorite assignments thus far for this class. To prove this, I went a bit out of my way to track down all twenty six letters, not just the twelve required. Once I started, it just seemed really easy to find letters within, well, everything. Apparently, though, not every letter receives equal emphasis (for example, I had trouble finding F and Z, but I could find O in practically everything I looked at). So, a couple of the pictures are harder to see the apparent letter, but I'll be posting them in alphabetical order and providing descriptions when I feel the letter appears more abstract.

A) It was a bike frame tied up to a rack. The frame forms the outer 'A' and the rack makes the cross section. Of course, there are several other bikes that can form the cross on the A, but I saw it as the bike frame with the corresponding, closest rack it was tied up to.

B) This was a latch on a fence in my backyard. It makes a lower case 'b'.  

C) This picture was of one half of the two piece plastic shield used on a heavy duty Kitchen Aid mixer I own  

D) I flipped a coffee mug upside down and took the picture as is because with the light on it like so, a shadow is cast by the handle back onto the side of the cup. So with the shadow and the handle, I saw the capital 'D'

E) I took a picture of some road lines outside of the Black Well on campus. I distinctly saw the letter 'E', and by cropping of the picture, I think it will be more apparent to others.

F) This letter took some creativity on my part to see. But if you look at the one fan blade which appears to be perfectly vertical in this picture, and follow it from the tip upwards to where the two metal cords are hanging. There lies the capital 'F'.

G) A picture of a roll of scotch tape. Lower case 'g'.

H) A wooden chair from the dinning room table. Makes a capital 'H'.

I) The memory unit port with the wireless sync button on top of it located on an Xbox 360 forms the lower case 'i'.

J) A plastic coat hanger, when focused on the top with the hook, forms the letter 'J' 

K) A metal musical stand forms a lop sided 'k'.

L) Located at the base of a metal support pillar at the edge of the car port outside of my home. A capital 'L' should be easily spotted.

M) To be honest, this might be cheating. It is a symbol of the prominent business known as McDonalds. So it could be taken as an image of an M, or it could be seen as a picture of an actual letter. Either way, it is what I used for my letter.  

N) Found this oddly colored bench outside of Big Lots. The ends of it look like a lower case 'n' to me.

O) A picture of our in home central air unit. The thin wire metals form multiple 'o's with a solid one at the center.

P) This is my take on the letter 'p'. Just happened to notice the door hinge to a stall in a bathroom in the basement of Dreese Labs.

Q) Rummaging through my shed, I came across my bike in this position. With the pedal at that angle, it looked like a capital 'Q' to me.

R) This was my roommates chair, with my roommate sitting in it no less. He was gracious enough to let me take a picture of the arm rest, which appeared to resemble a lower case 'r' to me.

S) This one is pretty obvious. It is an 's' hook my roommate uses to anchor his hammock to the wall. That's right, he sleeps in a hammock.

T) The letter 't' was found on my laptops battery charger. It resembled a cross like structure, or rather, a 't'.

U) These items are the bike racks located outside of the Fisher College of Business. I simply took the image and inverted it on my laptop in order to distinctly show the letter 'U' and not 'n'.

V) This letter was found outside of the Hitchcock Hall on top of a piece of metal based art work. Could double as a 'K', roman numeral five, or as I saw it, a 'V'  

W) Another image garnered from my shed. I found our garden rake and noticed the prongs resembled a repeating pattern of 'w's. So I cropped it to portray just one.

X) Miniature 'x' was located on my book bag. It is actually meant as a headphone hole, so a media device can be placed in the pouch to both conceal and easily carry it while still allowing the user to listen to it.  

Y) I have an old wood burning stove which has been used in awhile. And upon it, there is a knob which allows the control of the air vent to be open and closed at will. This is the said knob with its cob webs, clearly in the shape of a 'Y'

Z) And finally, I used my guitars capo to illustrate the letter 'z'. Sort of a stretch, and definitely crooked, I promise it is there!

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