Thursday, April 14, 2011

"J03:" You're My Best Friend

I'd like to give a nod to Queen, as they are the artist of the posting today. While overly glamor obsessed, these diva men had some incredible songs. They produced one of the most memorable ballads of all time, and their wide vocal range is still envied by many a singer today. Time now to actually ponder the other blogs. I'd like to note first that, since there are a total of three posts thus far, one of which being a 'getting to know you' post, there isn't a large amount of content to critically analyze and comment upon. So to meet that end, most of the material will be focused upon the last journal involving the pictures of patterns. And specifically, I read through Bridget and Dans' blogs since they were the two members whom I got to know a little bit during the first day of class. On to the post then?

First, I'd like to begin with Bridgets' site. It was interesting to see that she had personal connections to the items/materials we covered in the first power point lecture. I appreciated that due to the difference in us; my family never had any of the specific items mentioned. In fact, I never knew about ANY of the chairs. So needless to say, I my family never owned any of them. Jumping ahead now to journal number 2 with the pictures, I really liked the theme she set up. Beyond the obvious school spirit idea, I appreciated it because I, too, enjoy focusing on themes in design. And congruent, symetrical patterns are even better, hence the block O she sought. Kuddos on the pictures; loved the pictures, themes, and overall school spirit!

Next, I looked at Dans'. Again, starting more with a personal note, I think it is really cool he has already made up his mind about switching to design. I remember talking to him the first day and he mentioned how he was on the fence about engineering (my major as well). So I am glad he found something he really like now and I wish him luck. I didn't have my major picked out for about a year and a half into college myself. It can be stressful to spend so much money and not realize what the purpose is. Looking more to his pictures, I really enjoyed the photos he took personally. The first picture, specifically, was really fascinating. To begin with, I was sort of surprised that such a rough, unfinished looking wall was inside one of the dorm buildings. It has a rough, unfinished look.

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